Thursday, March 10, 2011

Little Sheep in the Big City

I don't mean my brother, I mean me...

Dylan got in on Thursday night to JFK and Beau and I were anxiously awaiting his little self walking through those doors to the baggage claim. It was his first time out of the Midwest, his first flight, and he told us that it was the most amazing time.

We took the air train back to Jamaica station and jumped on the E train to take us home. He and Beau were chatting the whole time and of course I was trying not to well up with tears because I was so happy to have him here with us. It may have only been a couple months since I saw him last, but he's my baby brother, and I always miss him.

The following morning we got up early and went into the city. The main goal of day one was to take in as many sights as possible. It was that meant running from place to place. We took in a lot of the sights but spent most of the day in Macy's. THE Macy's. 9 floors of shopping bliss (if you could afford it). Yes most of the day we spent shopping, just to stay out of the rain. We took in so many sights and did some pretty fun things together. I am so glad he was able to come out to stay with us.

It was only the second time I had been into the city since we moved here in January but I can't imagine having a better time. Just me and my brother, my brother and me (the little sheep in the big city)

You'd think Dylan had lived here his entire life!

*see my pictures on facebook


  1. If you can't go home, the next best thing is home coming to you :) So glad you and your bro had a great visit!

  2. Love it!!! So glad you guys had a great time!
