Saturday, June 16, 2012

A very busy life in a very brief update...

Hello dear friends and readers!  I cannot believe it has been well over a month since last I blogged!  I blame it entirely on a very packed life schedule.  And here are some very brief updates so ya'll don't think I fell off the face of the earth!

- I have LOTS of pictures to submit of some crafts and delicious recipes that I have been trying the past month.
- Work has been extremely time consuming
- I have almost forgotten what my husband looks like as he has his STEP 2 coming up on Tuesday
- We have found a pretty awesome property we REALLY want to buy if we get residency here
- I have about a million things to share with you, my friends...BUT the biggest news of all...

WE HAVE A NEW NIECE!!!!!!!  Saelah was born last night and she is PERFECT!

Next month I will have way fewer hours.  I can't wait to post all the pictures I have taken, share my new recipes, and catch up on all my blogging friends.

I hope you are all doing great and that the Lord is blessing you RICHLY!

In God's Love,



  1. your life does look crazily busy.
    good luck with the property :)
    and congratulations for your new niece!!!

  2. Congrats! And good luck with everything! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate!
