Last night we got our first really great snowfall. I would say about 4 inches worth. When we woke up this morning I looked out the window to find our trees covered in snow and the huge back yard covered in an untouched white blanket of fluffiness. It was beautiful!

In other news we had a special visitor on Tuesday. Mom my came up from Iowa and spent the night with us. She got in Tuesday evening and Wednesday we spent the morning shopping at Goodwill where I found my "dream jeans." I had been lusting over them for months after I saw some lady wearing them on the Subway. And I got 2 PAIRS for $7.99 EACH! I was SO EXCITED!!!! Sadly she couldn't stay long. I was so bummed when she had to leave that I didn't even walk her out to her car... I love my momma...
We also made our first "grown up" purchase this week: a new dryer! We are still down a washer, but keep hunting for one on craigslist.
Well, I suppose that is all for now. I need to psych myself up for a workout and then a good tidy so I can enjoy the weekend with Beau.
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
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