The month of January was ridiculous. It seemed to go by so quickly. To recap...
We learned we were moving to Wisconsin right after Christmas. The second week of January I flew home to take a trip to our new town to find us a place to live. The following week I flew back to New York and finished packing up our apartment as my father in law was getting there later in the week to load up a bunch of our stuff to take back to Iowa and then the following week we left New York!
We left the city the evening of the 27th. As soon as Beau got off work we finished loading Ruby and our landlord came to wish us off. Luckily he had a much quicker route out of the city than the one we had given dad. Poor guy...the route we gave him took him right past Macy's on 34th street in Manhattan. We knew we didn't want to go that way since we were leaving on a Friday evening. After a heart felt good bye we left New York City through the Bronx. It only took us about 20 minutes which was an insanely quick route. Before we knew it we were out of the city and in New Jersey. We were on our way! Seeing the city out the back window, the lights in all their glory was very bitter sweet. We had taken that route when we had moved there approximately one year earlier and even though we were both so anxious to get to Wisconsin and start the next chapter of our life there, I couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic. Not sad at all that we were leaving Queens, but definitely sad that we were leaving Manhattan. So much we wanted to do and see. But we'll be back again for graduation.
So we were out of Jersey and into Pennsylvania. It is a BEAUTIFUL part of the country. It was dark out so we could only see the outlines of the mountains, but they were still breath taking. Jaqui, Sarah, and I had driven that route back in August and I wish Beau could have seen the beauty. The Alaghany Mountains/Appalachia...I HIGHLY recommend seeing them in person.
We drove all through the night and eventually pulled off at a truck stop just inside Ohio. Poor Beau was about ready to drop and he fell asleep pretty much immediately. Me on the other hand, well I couldn't get comfortable and I was too anxious to get to our new home. Beau hadn't even really seen pictures of the place yet and I was so eager to see his reaction. So I sat there...
A couple of hours later I woke him and we were back on the road. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and drifted off for about a half hour. Good thing. When I opened my eyes and looked out the window there was snow everywhere. It was snowing so hard! Beau told me he was glad I fell asleep because apparently I had slept through the worst of it. I was worried enough as it was so I am glad I missed out on the worst of it too. Ohio apparently has the safest interstate in the United States and I believe it. The road maintainers had been out constantly salting the interstate and the other drivers on the road were leaving each other plenty of room. We had driven out of it by Indiana. Chicago had a traffic jam and FINALLY...
We made it into our new town and found our new place. The blinds on the sliding glass window were open so Beau was able to peek in and he had just the reaction I'd hoped for. We were so excited to start moving in! The new landlords and my dad and brother pulled up at the same time and we got the keys, handed over the check, and started unloading! I haven't seen Beau so excited in such a long time. He was like a kid in a candy store and I was so happy that I had found a new home that made him so happy.
We took dad and Dylan out for lunch and then they headed back to Iowa. And there we were...Beau looked at all the rooms and we started the moving in process. We have become pro's when it comes to moving and we quickly had the boxes in their designated rooms. We unpacked late into the night and running on only a half hour of sleep in the past two days I started to feel like a zombie around midnight. I was determined to finish our room at least that night to make it nice for Beau and we finally turned in around 1am.
The next morning we had our first guests! Our wonderful friends the Coleman's dropped by and even brought cookies! They stayed for a while and then we headed out to stock up on groceries.
The 31st I had my interview with Mercy! It went so great! I am currently waiting to hear when and where I will be working.
The 3rd we had game night over at the Coleman's with our friends the Bly's.
The 5th we had church with the Coleman's and then had a super bowl party with the Bly's.
The day before yesterday Beau started at Mercy. He is already doing amazing and I think Janesville is going to be a "permanent" place for us. At least for a year or two. We love it here. It reminds us so much of Ames (where we met) and its the perfect location. Everything is so much cheaper and convenient.
Pictures to come!
In Gods Love
Beau and Kenz
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