I guess its been about a week since I last posted! I swore that I was going to be better about blogging on a regular basis since moving, but I guess daily activities have been keeping me busy enough that I haven't been able to do so!
I will start off with Domestic Goddess. I would consider myself a self proclaimed domestic goddess for the following reasons: since getting all settled in I have been cooking and baking non-stop. I have tirelessly maintained the cleanliness of our 1,100 square foot home, and have done bargain shopping like a pro. Yes. I am thinking quite highly of myself right now.
I fully believe that when you are a child you think you won't be anything like your mother, grandmother, etc. And I fully believe that one almost always picks up some of the traits that they found annoying as a youngster and will more often than not pass them along to their own children. My grandma, bless her soul, was the most incredible woman. My mother, the most beautiful woman in the world, is a saint in her own right. I see that now. Now that I am grown woman myself and can truly appreciate they beauty and servitude they possess.
Now that I have my own home I have noticed how
much I am like my grandma and my mother combined. I am perhaps OCD in the way I keep house, I even dry out the sink after doing the dishes (Laura I know you do this too) and I make sure that people leave their shoes at the door. Although, I don't have a baggie of socks for people to wear so their foot oil doesn't get on my carpets (one of my grandma's things). I have even picked up on how many times I call my mom asking for her advice in all things domestic. She is a
fantastic cook and I hope I do her proud in the kitchen. I love my mom. She has been such a role model for me, even though I said I never wanted to be like her (I was really mad at her at the time of course).
LOVE being a housewife! I love cooking and baking and making sure that my husband has a meal every night when he gets home (delicious I am not sure but its the thought that counts right?). I love that I have all my kitchen toys about me. We had almost forgotten all the great things we got as wedding gifts! I love that I can use my awesome vacuum cleaner that we got from my parents a couple years ago. I love that I use biodegradable cleaning supplies that are good for the environment. I love that we have a
home. Wisconsin truly feels like home to us now. We couldn't be happier!

Now on to the crazy weekend. Beau had his test in Chicago this past Friday. We ended up driving down the Thursday before and stayed at the O'Hare Marriott. It was
such a nice hotel! It was in the perfect location as it shared a parking lot with the testing center. Well, as Beau was in his test the snow started to come in. I had been watching the news earlier that morning and even though my cousin had assured me that it was the lake effect and that it would probably hit more in the downtown area than where we were, I began to have my doubts as I watched the huge flakes start to stick to the ground and cars. Hmmm. I couldn't wait for him to get out so we could book it back to Iowa before too much snow had fallen and made the roads slick.
Chicago is a
nightmare on Friday around rush hour. Yes, rush hour. Beau says that its not near as bad as New York traffic but I beg to differ. To me it was
much worse. Maybe its because Midwest divers are much more cautious when it comes to winter driving. It took us a ridiculously long time to get out of the city and by then the snow storm had definitely rolled in and we were driving in some not too preferable weather. By the time we got to Iowa though we had driven through it and we couldn't wait to get to my parents. I even took gravel roads as soon as I could because it just felt
so good to be home. Mom and dad had dinner ready for us when we got there and we were welcomed by a
very happy beagle. He missed his mommy so much. Although he seems to be holding up okay, he even had a new pillow and blanket courtesy of his Babbi. We sat around with my parents, Oliver, and my brother and watched TV. The following morning my "other mother" came over and we all hung around and chatted until it came time for Beau and I to pack the car with more of our wedding gifts and then head North.
We went straight to his sister's house and had a great dinner with
the family. We played some xbox with the kiddos and then headed to his parents house to spend the night with his dad. It was wonderful to be home. We had wanted to get together with his other sister and her family, but they were all sick with the flu :(. It is such a blessing to be so much closer to home now. At least we don't feel like we're missing out on so much anymore.
The next morning we woke up and drove different cars back to Wisconsin. It was such a long drive when you don't have the other person to talk to and it felt so great to get back to our own home.
Monday I spent the whole day running errands, doing laundry, and finding spots for the stuff we had brought back with us.
Tuesday of course was Valentines Day. The day before I had gone to Dollar Tree and loaded up on all kinds of goodies to surprise Beau with. I sent him to work on Tuesday loaded with cupcakes and candies for his colleagues. He wasn't suppose to be on call last night, but one of his colleagues wife went into labor and so he took his hours for him. It was a little disappointing that he didn't get home til late but it was well worth it. I had made a huge dinner for him and he surprised me with the most beautiful bouquet and the most touching card. I am blessed to have someone to celebrate this holiday with.
I interviewed for a few positions at Mercy a couple weeks ago and was saddened to learn that one of the positions has been filled. Bummer o-megga. BUT, there is always the other position. I hope I hear from them soon. As much as I love being a house wife, I do miss working and I am so eager to get back out there again. I feel a little defeated, but... "for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to hurt you, plans to give you hope and a future."-Jeremiah 29:11. Amen. As my mother in law says: "God has the perfect job for you." Oh how I love her.
Til next time!
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz