Last week was so nice. Beau's mom got into town on Thursday and Beau got off in time that we were both able to meet her at Penn Station. When we got home we threw in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and just sat and caught up for a while. Poor Beau is so used to heading to bed early though and he did his best to stay up and talk with us.
Friday we decided we needed to go shopping. Mom was needing to get some Christmas shopping done and I really wanted to take her to Macy's. Its almost a necessity if you are in New York during the Christmas season. As we were walking up to the infamous department store there were people EVERYWHERE, even for the time of day it was very crowded. Everyone was huddled around the window display. It. Was. BEAUTIFUL. I wish I would have had my camera with me. I knew that all the department stores had a tradition of decorating their store windows, but I had no idea the decor would be so elaborate. I can't even describe how beautiful and magical it was. On one side of the building they had a "Yes, Virgina" window display. I was DELIGHTED as I loved that movie. When I say display, I mean story line. There are a series of windows along each side of the building and each window display is a part of the story. The one that was so captivating told the story of how Christmas wishes come true. Oh my goodness I wish I would have recorded it. The music Let's just say Bloomingdale's doesn't have anything on Macy's.
After standing and watching the story unfold for a while, we decided to fight the crowd and head into the store. It was INCREDIBLE. I hadn't been there since my brother came to visit back in April. They were of course all decorated for Christmas and it was breath taking. It reminded me of A Christmas Story when they go to see Santa. We spend about 5-6 hours on the shoe floor ALONE. And the line to see Santa? Oh my goodness...probably MILES long, and that is no exaggeration as the store itself takes up most of an entire city block.
Mom spoils us. Always. Her visit this time was no exception. She was in the shopping mood and she got me these incredible boots and Beau some dress shirts and ties. Isn't it funny how our wish lists change as we get older. I remember when I used to go through the Sear's Wish Book when I was little and circle or star all the toys that I wanted. Now its house stuff. I am sure the closer we get to starting a family, I will start wishing for baby stuff.
Beau was going to meet us in the city so we could go to the Hard Rock for dinner, but his surgery case was pushed way back and so we decided we'd just head home and have dinner ready for him there. So we headed back to Queens and stopped at the produce store and picked up lots of fruit. Then we headed back to the apartment and Mom started on her amazing potato soup. When Beau got home we started "Miracle on 34th Street" but ended up talking more than paying attention to the movie.
Saturday our good friends were in the city just for day and we met up with them in Little Italy for lunch. It was so great seeing them. Noah is Beau's best friend from childhood. They're more like brothers and its so fun seeing them together. Truly kindred spirits.
From there we went back to Macy's so Beau could pick out some shirts. Then we jumped on the subway and headed towards Rockefeller Center to see the big Christmas tree. Talk about a crowd! We almost couldn't get out of the doors to the building because of the people. But we were able to get some pictures!

We were there about as long as it takes to get a couple pictures and then we were out of there. It was getting late and we were all tired from the shopping and being around so many people. We got home and watched The Eagle and then had an Office marathon. We got to bed late and then on Sunday...
Beau made is famous pancakes. Oh how I LOVE it when he makes his pancakes. Secret recipe, but let me just tell you, they would chance your life if you ever were to have them. Then mom started packing up and we took her to the airport. She is only gone for a few days though, and she will be back on the 22nd to spend Christmas with us and our brother and sister. Such a blessing that she is able to spend the holidays with us. Makes us feel closer to home.
Today is cleaning day. Top to bottom. Still no word from Janesville. I don't even know what to think anymore. All I know is that we have such a longing in our hearts to be home and that the Lord knows our hearts, so I have to resign it to Him. It is out of our control at this point and really all we can do is sit and wait for her to get back to us. I just need to find some things to keep my mind busy in the mean time. Beau will for sure be in Janesville for six weeks in February so I will be home and hopefully working. Hmm...
I can't believe Christmas is only a week away. So much to do and so little time!
In God's Love,
Beau and Kenz
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