So...the other day I made my first attempt at really driving in the city. There is a Target about eight to ten miles down the road from us and even though I had gone with the intention of loading up on groceries and groceries only, I caught the Christmas bug when I turned on the radio to a NY station that plays "All Christmas music, all the time." I though to myself "I'll just look and see what they have."
I made a bee line to the Christmas decorations and scooped up a container of brown and gold Christmas bulbs and a strand of Christmas lights and then I was OUT of the aisle. My thought process was this: if I go to the decorations aisle first then I won't be able to talk myself into things while I was shopping for groceries. I was quite proud of myself when I triumphantly left with said items.
All day yesterday I was extremely anxious for Beau to get home (I am every day but yesterday in particular). I walked down to the grocery store because the weather was beautiful! I made sure I scrubbed the apartment top to bottom and then made the chili early enough that it could sit and simmer and make the apartment smell delicious. Beau text me and told me to pick out some Christmas music. DONE. All was ready when he got home! So we had chili and watched some TV and had a Hot Toddie and I look over at him and hes starting to drift. Now was the time. Not a moment could be wasted.
I jumped up and hauled out the Christmas decorations. Beau: laying on couch now... So I started to unwind the lights and pulled a chair over and very dramatically looked around the apartment trying to figure out where to put them, clearly incapable of doing it on my owe due to my vertical short comings. I think he finally picked up on my obvious distress as he managed to pull himself up off the couch. Poor guy. Early morning+Hot Toddie= one worn out medical student ready for an early bedtime.
Here are our decorations:
And here was Beau after we ran the strand of lights:
Clearly it was too much activity for him. Out...
So while he snoozed I did this with the bulbs:
We didn't really put a lot of emphasis on decorating, but its festive and I think Beau appreciates the thought behind it.
Today we were going to go to Rockefeller Center and take our picture in front of the tree to send out in our Christmas cards this year. But as I picked out an outfit and applied my makeup I was quickly getting out of the mood to take the train into the city, try and find someone to take our picture, and then get back on the train and walk home. Thank goodness Beau felt the same way. So we attempted our own photo shoot this year. It worked well. Even though we were limited to basically one pose, at least we were able to change out outfits. Overall, I am happy with what we came up with. Next year we will have our tree and I am sure SNOW so we can come up with more pictures to work with.
Another new thing we did this year: picture Christmas cards. Our sister uses a website each year that she uploads her own pictures on so we thought we'd give it a try this year. I am excited to see how they turn out. If they look nice, it might be something we do every year. I love Christmas cards, but when I write them out individually, I tend to procrastinate and, well, it takes me FOREVER to get them sent.
Here are some of my favorites:
Not too bad...thank you iPhoto!
I hope you are all enjoying the Christmas season! Christmas Day will be here before we know it!!!
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
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