This year was very exciting. Ever since I was a little girl, our family tradition has been to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to see the parade in person and this year we were given the opportunity to do just that. It was such an exhilarating experience. The night before we had gone out with some of Beau's work friends and by the time we got home we were both so tired that I was having second thoughts about going. Beau was beat and I really wanted him to be able to sleep in for as many of the four days that he had off. But we both woke up early on our own and I have to admit I was like a kid at Christmas. I was so excited to see the parade that I was jumping up and down and squealing with laughter. I love that I have a husband who finds my shear excitement entertaining and not in the least bit annoying...
We got on the subway and were headed to 42nd street. There were people everywhere and the closer we got to Manhattan the more people there were boarding the trains. There were parents and kids packed on to the F line like sardines and the excitement coming from both kids and the young at heart made the event that more exciting. Their anticipation was contagious and there was one point where I looked over and saw a little girl that looked exactly like my niece and I couldn't help but wish we would have had them with us to share in the experience. I mean I am 26 for crying out loud and you'd think I was an 8 year old (then again I still die with laughter when Beau "raspberries" me, but that is another story for another time).
Once we were off the subway and up on the street I couldn't imagine the people. I knew it was going to be crowded but this was ridiculous. We stood and waited for about a half hour before the parade got underway but the wait was worth it! Here are some pictures:

It was incredible! My batteries died half way through the parade and I wanted to save them for Santa. Yes Santa, because I am 8 I REALLY wanted to see Santa. We ended up leaving though with about an hour left of the parade. We were taking the train down to New Jersey for Thanksgiving and we wanted to get there before the crowd.
Getting to the Subway through hoards of people...I bet it was how the Beatles felt when they tried to leave Shea Stadium. CRAZY is all I can say. I held on to Beau's back pack the whole way out of fear of being separated and not being able to find him. There were times where I was afraid of getting pushed over there were so many people moving in groups going every which direction. We made it to the train eventually and were on our way to Jersey.
Travis picked us up at the station and we went shopping. We made a couple of stops before heading back to their house and one of the stops was Wal-Mart. I am not a huge Wal-Mart fan, but I have to admit I was kinda getting a buzz off of all the booty they had laying around for the Black Friday sale. I confess, I am getting into the Christmas spirit.
We got back to the house and mom and Jaqui had been cooking away all morning long. Here is the amazing dinner we had:

We had such a great time. It helps so much having them close and it was an extra treat that Beau's mom was able to join us for Thanksgiving this year. We feel very spoiled.
Tonight Beau and I had our own little Thanksgiving here at our home and we invited one of our old friends over for dinner. We had the works although Beau is the one who made most of it. There is something about the holidays that knocks me out! Here is our delicious meal that Beau made:
And the guys enjoying it!:
It was a great Thanksgiving this year and I am very excited to see where the Lord will have us this time next year. Big things on the horizon for sure! We are truly blessed.
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
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