Oh my GOODNESS! I just found my own trip down memory lane with this. When I was little we used to listen to this radio show EVERY Sunday. It was called Rejection Slip Theater and it was on WHO. We NEVER missed it. I had been looking for this for a LONG time. Barnes and Noble used to sell it but when I got on their website they didn't sell it anymore so I did some digging and started SQUEALING with excitement when I found this website. Hope you all enjoy it!!!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Christmas Time Is Here
Its hard to believe how fast this year went, now that I look back it hardly seems possible that we've lived here almost a year already. Its been a year of big changes, that is for sure.
Thanksgiving has come and gone and it seems as though Christmas is earlier every year. When I was buying decorations for our wedding back in September, Hobby Lobby had already started setting up their Christmas displays. At that time I thought to myself "its way too early for that!" but as we walked through Wal-Mart on Thanksgiving day, I couldn't help but get caught up in the Christmas spirit. Perhaps its the reason for my background change, even though I hate the snow.
Since we will be moving about a month after Christmas we decided we weren't going to get a tree or decorate since we just don't have the room for it. Its going to be weird not having a Christmas tree! We also agreed that we are not going to exchange gifts this year either. We are trying to save money. Moving is so costly, and we got a surprise the other day...the kind saying that we have to start paying back student loans next month. Oui...
Normally I don't like to talk about the economy, or politics, or anything too controversial but I have to say here that we were at Target in Brooklyn on BLACK FRIDAY and there was hardly anyone there. Granted we were there later in the morning, but all the "door buster" deals were still there when we walked in. There were plenty of flat screens and toys to go around. I wonder what Christmas will be like this year for families with little ones.
Ever since we were little it was instilled in us that Christmas was not about "getting" but "giving" and I think that is one of life's most valuable lessons. I usually love to go all out for Christmas, making things and buying things and completely and totally delighting in wrapping presents while I watch a Christmas movie and sip on cider. I just love the feeling of the season, knowing that before too long you'll be surrounded by loved ones and I love watching people as they open their gifts.
This Christmas we will be here in New York. Scheduling has made it impossible for us to go home and there is just no way I am going to leave my husband on our first Christmas together. So even though we are having to break with tradition this year, I still look forward to next year. I look forward to shopping and wrapping and setting up the tree and cooking and looking at Christmas lights, and going to candle light service...I look forward to spending time with loved ones.
Thanksgiving has come and gone and it seems as though Christmas is earlier every year. When I was buying decorations for our wedding back in September, Hobby Lobby had already started setting up their Christmas displays. At that time I thought to myself "its way too early for that!" but as we walked through Wal-Mart on Thanksgiving day, I couldn't help but get caught up in the Christmas spirit. Perhaps its the reason for my background change, even though I hate the snow.
Since we will be moving about a month after Christmas we decided we weren't going to get a tree or decorate since we just don't have the room for it. Its going to be weird not having a Christmas tree! We also agreed that we are not going to exchange gifts this year either. We are trying to save money. Moving is so costly, and we got a surprise the other day...the kind saying that we have to start paying back student loans next month. Oui...
Normally I don't like to talk about the economy, or politics, or anything too controversial but I have to say here that we were at Target in Brooklyn on BLACK FRIDAY and there was hardly anyone there. Granted we were there later in the morning, but all the "door buster" deals were still there when we walked in. There were plenty of flat screens and toys to go around. I wonder what Christmas will be like this year for families with little ones.
Ever since we were little it was instilled in us that Christmas was not about "getting" but "giving" and I think that is one of life's most valuable lessons. I usually love to go all out for Christmas, making things and buying things and completely and totally delighting in wrapping presents while I watch a Christmas movie and sip on cider. I just love the feeling of the season, knowing that before too long you'll be surrounded by loved ones and I love watching people as they open their gifts.
This Christmas we will be here in New York. Scheduling has made it impossible for us to go home and there is just no way I am going to leave my husband on our first Christmas together. So even though we are having to break with tradition this year, I still look forward to next year. I look forward to shopping and wrapping and setting up the tree and cooking and looking at Christmas lights, and going to candle light service...I look forward to spending time with loved ones.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Just a couple more pics ;)
Here are a couple that I wanted to add:
My husband and I at the 85th Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The weather was PERFECT!

Beau's shadow Smokey. Its our brother and sister's cat and he is always so happy when we come to visit. He's basically glued to Beau the entire time we're there. He's such a good boy.

Beau's mom came out to visit us Tuesday and she brought us these beautiful fall flowers. I LOVE them and they looked pretty great along with my special Thanksgiving salt and pepper shakers ;)

Beau's shadow Smokey. Its our brother and sister's cat and he is always so happy when we come to visit. He's basically glued to Beau the entire time we're there. He's such a good boy.

Beau's mom came out to visit us Tuesday and she brought us these beautiful fall flowers. I LOVE them and they looked pretty great along with my special Thanksgiving salt and pepper shakers ;)
A Great Thanksgiving
Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. This was a very special Thanksgiving for us. We had many things to be thankful for this year. Too many to list, but then again, I think every day we have many things to be thankful for. Our health, the food in our stomachs, the roof over our heads, and the love and support of many wonderful friends and family...
This year was very exciting. Ever since I was a little girl, our family tradition has been to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to see the parade in person and this year we were given the opportunity to do just that. It was such an exhilarating experience. The night before we had gone out with some of Beau's work friends and by the time we got home we were both so tired that I was having second thoughts about going. Beau was beat and I really wanted him to be able to sleep in for as many of the four days that he had off. But we both woke up early on our own and I have to admit I was like a kid at Christmas. I was so excited to see the parade that I was jumping up and down and squealing with laughter. I love that I have a husband who finds my shear excitement entertaining and not in the least bit annoying...
We got on the subway and were headed to 42nd street. There were people everywhere and the closer we got to Manhattan the more people there were boarding the trains. There were parents and kids packed on to the F line like sardines and the excitement coming from both kids and the young at heart made the event that more exciting. Their anticipation was contagious and there was one point where I looked over and saw a little girl that looked exactly like my niece and I couldn't help but wish we would have had them with us to share in the experience. I mean I am 26 for crying out loud and you'd think I was an 8 year old (then again I still die with laughter when Beau "raspberries" me, but that is another story for another time).
Once we were off the subway and up on the street I couldn't imagine the people. I knew it was going to be crowded but this was ridiculous. We stood and waited for about a half hour before the parade got underway but the wait was worth it! Here are some pictures:

It was incredible! My batteries died half way through the parade and I wanted to save them for Santa. Yes Santa, because I am 8 I REALLY wanted to see Santa. We ended up leaving though with about an hour left of the parade. We were taking the train down to New Jersey for Thanksgiving and we wanted to get there before the crowd.
Getting to the Subway through hoards of people...I bet it was how the Beatles felt when they tried to leave Shea Stadium. CRAZY is all I can say. I held on to Beau's back pack the whole way out of fear of being separated and not being able to find him. There were times where I was afraid of getting pushed over there were so many people moving in groups going every which direction. We made it to the train eventually and were on our way to Jersey.
Travis picked us up at the station and we went shopping. We made a couple of stops before heading back to their house and one of the stops was Wal-Mart. I am not a huge Wal-Mart fan, but I have to admit I was kinda getting a buzz off of all the booty they had laying around for the Black Friday sale. I confess, I am getting into the Christmas spirit.
We got back to the house and mom and Jaqui had been cooking away all morning long. Here is the amazing dinner we had:

We had such a great time. It helps so much having them close and it was an extra treat that Beau's mom was able to join us for Thanksgiving this year. We feel very spoiled.
Tonight Beau and I had our own little Thanksgiving here at our home and we invited one of our old friends over for dinner. We had the works although Beau is the one who made most of it. There is something about the holidays that knocks me out! Here is our delicious meal that Beau made:

And the guys enjoying it!:

It was a great Thanksgiving this year and I am very excited to see where the Lord will have us this time next year. Big things on the horizon for sure! We are truly blessed.
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
This year was very exciting. Ever since I was a little girl, our family tradition has been to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to see the parade in person and this year we were given the opportunity to do just that. It was such an exhilarating experience. The night before we had gone out with some of Beau's work friends and by the time we got home we were both so tired that I was having second thoughts about going. Beau was beat and I really wanted him to be able to sleep in for as many of the four days that he had off. But we both woke up early on our own and I have to admit I was like a kid at Christmas. I was so excited to see the parade that I was jumping up and down and squealing with laughter. I love that I have a husband who finds my shear excitement entertaining and not in the least bit annoying...
We got on the subway and were headed to 42nd street. There were people everywhere and the closer we got to Manhattan the more people there were boarding the trains. There were parents and kids packed on to the F line like sardines and the excitement coming from both kids and the young at heart made the event that more exciting. Their anticipation was contagious and there was one point where I looked over and saw a little girl that looked exactly like my niece and I couldn't help but wish we would have had them with us to share in the experience. I mean I am 26 for crying out loud and you'd think I was an 8 year old (then again I still die with laughter when Beau "raspberries" me, but that is another story for another time).
Once we were off the subway and up on the street I couldn't imagine the people. I knew it was going to be crowded but this was ridiculous. We stood and waited for about a half hour before the parade got underway but the wait was worth it! Here are some pictures:

It was incredible! My batteries died half way through the parade and I wanted to save them for Santa. Yes Santa, because I am 8 I REALLY wanted to see Santa. We ended up leaving though with about an hour left of the parade. We were taking the train down to New Jersey for Thanksgiving and we wanted to get there before the crowd.
Getting to the Subway through hoards of people...I bet it was how the Beatles felt when they tried to leave Shea Stadium. CRAZY is all I can say. I held on to Beau's back pack the whole way out of fear of being separated and not being able to find him. There were times where I was afraid of getting pushed over there were so many people moving in groups going every which direction. We made it to the train eventually and were on our way to Jersey.
Travis picked us up at the station and we went shopping. We made a couple of stops before heading back to their house and one of the stops was Wal-Mart. I am not a huge Wal-Mart fan, but I have to admit I was kinda getting a buzz off of all the booty they had laying around for the Black Friday sale. I confess, I am getting into the Christmas spirit.
We got back to the house and mom and Jaqui had been cooking away all morning long. Here is the amazing dinner we had:

We had such a great time. It helps so much having them close and it was an extra treat that Beau's mom was able to join us for Thanksgiving this year. We feel very spoiled.
Tonight Beau and I had our own little Thanksgiving here at our home and we invited one of our old friends over for dinner. We had the works although Beau is the one who made most of it. There is something about the holidays that knocks me out! Here is our delicious meal that Beau made:
And the guys enjoying it!:
It was a great Thanksgiving this year and I am very excited to see where the Lord will have us this time next year. Big things on the horizon for sure! We are truly blessed.
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Monday, November 14, 2011
My Favorite Holiday is on It's Way
There is nothing I love more than the holiday season. My most FAVORITE holiday is a little over a week away and I absolutely beyond excited!
Yes friends, I am speaking of that centuries old holiday we call 'Thanksgiving.' Everything is perfect about that holiday. The fall colors, the weather, the clothes, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, being surrounded by loved ones and FOOD.
A couple years ago Beau and I spent our first Thanksgiving away from our loved ones. He was in school in Dominica and he couldn't make it home so I went to him. It was difficult for us being so far away from home, but I was determined to make it a REAL Thanksgiving for him.

Even though we didn't have a lot to work with, (and no Turkey) we still had a great Thanksgiving. Look how happy he was...

Last year we spent Thanksgiving at my grandpa's. Its a tradition we have had for many years. Usually we start cooking early and take everything over to grandpas. We fill his island with all kinds of delicious things. Pot roast, ham, turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole...oh my makes my mouth water just thinking about it!

I made pumpkin bars for the first time last year and grandpa LOVED them!
I can't wait...
This year, I am SO excited because, for as long as I can remember, I have wanted to see Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and then go to the famous department store for some Christmas browsing. This year we are DOING IT!!!! And then we are headed to New Jersey to spend the weekend with our family. I truly can't wait.
We have so much to be thankful this year. So many blessings upon our family. But I think one thing I have come to realize is how thankful I am for proximity. What? When we are so far away from loved ones (especially during the holidays) I think we realize how good we have it to be so close. So I am thankful for our family, our loved ones, and the impact they have on our lives.
I have lots to be thankful for. So much to thank the Lord for. Good thing He knows my heart, because it is overflowing...my cup runneth over...
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Yes friends, I am speaking of that centuries old holiday we call 'Thanksgiving.' Everything is perfect about that holiday. The fall colors, the weather, the clothes, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, being surrounded by loved ones and FOOD.
A couple years ago Beau and I spent our first Thanksgiving away from our loved ones. He was in school in Dominica and he couldn't make it home so I went to him. It was difficult for us being so far away from home, but I was determined to make it a REAL Thanksgiving for him.
Even though we didn't have a lot to work with, (and no Turkey) we still had a great Thanksgiving. Look how happy he was...
Last year we spent Thanksgiving at my grandpa's. Its a tradition we have had for many years. Usually we start cooking early and take everything over to grandpas. We fill his island with all kinds of delicious things. Pot roast, ham, turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole...oh my makes my mouth water just thinking about it!
I made pumpkin bars for the first time last year and grandpa LOVED them!
I can't wait...
This year, I am SO excited because, for as long as I can remember, I have wanted to see Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and then go to the famous department store for some Christmas browsing. This year we are DOING IT!!!! And then we are headed to New Jersey to spend the weekend with our family. I truly can't wait.
We have so much to be thankful this year. So many blessings upon our family. But I think one thing I have come to realize is how thankful I am for proximity. What? When we are so far away from loved ones (especially during the holidays) I think we realize how good we have it to be so close. So I am thankful for our family, our loved ones, and the impact they have on our lives.
I have lots to be thankful for. So much to thank the Lord for. Good thing He knows my heart, because it is overflowing...my cup runneth over...
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Greek Living
I feel like we live in a frat house lately. At all hours of the day people are stomping up and down the stairs, making WAY too much noise in neighboring apartments, or blaring music and singing along at the top of their lungs (i.e. every Monday morning, same time, same song...) and to top off the experience a couple weeks ago I went down to check the mail and there, on the wall, was a certain part of the male anatomy, drawn larger than life itself. Gotta love it...
Saturday morning and I have loads on my mind and true to form I blog. I was thinking several things this morning:
-why can't Felicity get her sh** together and just PICK ONE, Noel or Ben. Come ON girl lets wrap up the show already!
-why is it that when I go to try my hand at this "extreme coupon" thing whenever I go to the plethora of coupon websites I signed up for, none of them have coupons for things I actually buy. And if there are coupons then I have to buy 60 of anything to actually take a few cents off. Makes no sense to me and I have decided I am going to drop the whole plan til we get moved to somewhere with a little more storage room.
- there are a TON of places in New York that look fascinating to me and how did I learn about them? Through other blogs.
- (oh...there goes the downstairs neighbor again...belting his lungs out)
-I need to do something about our blog. Next year I am planning on a revamp!
-I miss my friends
-The holidays are right around the corner...SHIT
-I LOVE taking care of my husband and the pure joy he gets from me doing something as simple as making him dinner.
-I LOVE married life!
-I really want to get crafty this winter and I am hunting for some good websites so if anyone knows of any send them my way!
-I need a haircut already
-Why is it so expensive to fly?
I know these are all random thoughts but those are usually the ones you have when you are sitting in front of the TV on a Saturday morning. I wish Beau were home... :(
I hope this entry finds everyone well!
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Saturday morning and I have loads on my mind and true to form I blog. I was thinking several things this morning:
-why can't Felicity get her sh** together and just PICK ONE, Noel or Ben. Come ON girl lets wrap up the show already!
-why is it that when I go to try my hand at this "extreme coupon" thing whenever I go to the plethora of coupon websites I signed up for, none of them have coupons for things I actually buy. And if there are coupons then I have to buy 60 of anything to actually take a few cents off. Makes no sense to me and I have decided I am going to drop the whole plan til we get moved to somewhere with a little more storage room.
- there are a TON of places in New York that look fascinating to me and how did I learn about them? Through other blogs.
- (oh...there goes the downstairs neighbor again...belting his lungs out)
-I need to do something about our blog. Next year I am planning on a revamp!
-I miss my friends
-The holidays are right around the corner...SHIT
-I LOVE taking care of my husband and the pure joy he gets from me doing something as simple as making him dinner.
-I LOVE married life!
-I really want to get crafty this winter and I am hunting for some good websites so if anyone knows of any send them my way!
-I need a haircut already
-Why is it so expensive to fly?
I know these are all random thoughts but those are usually the ones you have when you are sitting in front of the TV on a Saturday morning. I wish Beau were home... :(
I hope this entry finds everyone well!
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Friday, November 11, 2011
I'm So Charlotte
I am looking out the window and noticing that the leaves are falling like snow flakes. So that can only mean one thing, winter is on its way. And if that isn't indicator enough, the temperature is. Yesterday it was in the mid 60's and I had the windows WIDE open. Now as I sit here wrapped in a blanket with a candle, its 48 out. And I hate it.
So with the on coming winter I am cringing. I was on the phone with my sister yesterday and we were talking about the cold weather ahead and I was thinking, no, dreading the fact that we are spending another winter here. Last year I felt like the walls were closing in on me but at least I had classes that I was working on. This year I am desperately seeking employment.
Over the summer I put my resume into countless places that I knew would be resume builders for me. Not even a nibble. I tried The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The New York Public Library, Christies, and The American Museum of Natural History. All these places I was SO excited about! I thought how AWESOME would that be? I am so Charlotte.
Back to the phone conversation with my sister...I told her I had been putting in applications various places and she suggested that I join some kind of club. I cringed at the thought of it because I am shy. I am shy with strangers and the idea of joining a club here in NY makes me feel like this move is even more permanent, like I need to start making friends because I will never see my other friends ever again. And partly because I did, for a moment, entertain the notion of joining a book club, a women's club. And then I had visions of Sex and the City and I was thinking to myself how extremely sad it would be for me if I did.
In college my dearest girlfriends and I watched that show ALL THE TIME and we always talked about how cool it would be if we all went to NYC together some time. Well, now I am here and they are scattered to the four winds (well, three winds). We even decided which one of us was most like each character. If you know me, and if you've ever seen the show, well...I was the one who was most like Charlotte.
I miss my Carrie, Miranda, and Samantha and I just can't do a book club with out you here. The next couple months will go by fast though and then we are OUT of here.
Hmm...maybe I should look into Starbucks...
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
So with the on coming winter I am cringing. I was on the phone with my sister yesterday and we were talking about the cold weather ahead and I was thinking, no, dreading the fact that we are spending another winter here. Last year I felt like the walls were closing in on me but at least I had classes that I was working on. This year I am desperately seeking employment.
Over the summer I put my resume into countless places that I knew would be resume builders for me. Not even a nibble. I tried The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The New York Public Library, Christies, and The American Museum of Natural History. All these places I was SO excited about! I thought how AWESOME would that be? I am so Charlotte.
Back to the phone conversation with my sister...I told her I had been putting in applications various places and she suggested that I join some kind of club. I cringed at the thought of it because I am shy. I am shy with strangers and the idea of joining a club here in NY makes me feel like this move is even more permanent, like I need to start making friends because I will never see my other friends ever again. And partly because I did, for a moment, entertain the notion of joining a book club, a women's club. And then I had visions of Sex and the City and I was thinking to myself how extremely sad it would be for me if I did.
In college my dearest girlfriends and I watched that show ALL THE TIME and we always talked about how cool it would be if we all went to NYC together some time. Well, now I am here and they are scattered to the four winds (well, three winds). We even decided which one of us was most like each character. If you know me, and if you've ever seen the show, well...I was the one who was most like Charlotte.
I miss my Carrie, Miranda, and Samantha and I just can't do a book club with out you here. The next couple months will go by fast though and then we are OUT of here.
Hmm...maybe I should look into Starbucks...
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A Change of Plans...Again
Monday came and went. Beau and I had sent out prayer requests that his Pediatrics rotation would not work out so we could move back to the Midwest before Thanksgiving.
The Lord answered out prayers, but there has never been a more truer saying that the Lord's plan is always best. I'll explain:
When Beau called me and told me the Peds rotation hadn't worked out it felt like my heart was shot into space, and then he told me that they had offered him the surgical rotation and just as fast as my heart departed from the ground it came crashing back down again. Surgery...
The surgery rotation is a grueling one. Long hours and difficult scenarios and very very stressful at times. We knew that it was going to be a hard rotation and I knew that if Beau were given the opportunity to do it here, then we'd take it so we could just get it out of the way. If he were to take it here, then he'd be green book certified and there would be no restrictions in any states in terms of matching for residency, or being able to practice. I knew that this was something Beau had been stressing over basically since he started medical school so when he told me he had taken it, I understood the importance behind it even though it wasn't what we planned at all. We were so desperate to get home.
So the change of plans. We went from the possibility of coming home mid November to now March. That is UNLESS Beau can get his peds rotation some where other than here. If he can, then we are done here in NY on JANUARY 27TH. Tentative. Very tentative.
We wanted to come home so badly, but this is where God wants us for now. And I am happy with that actually. Plans change, especially the ones we make for ourselves.
We will see what happens next ;)
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
The Lord answered out prayers, but there has never been a more truer saying that the Lord's plan is always best. I'll explain:
When Beau called me and told me the Peds rotation hadn't worked out it felt like my heart was shot into space, and then he told me that they had offered him the surgical rotation and just as fast as my heart departed from the ground it came crashing back down again. Surgery...
The surgery rotation is a grueling one. Long hours and difficult scenarios and very very stressful at times. We knew that it was going to be a hard rotation and I knew that if Beau were given the opportunity to do it here, then we'd take it so we could just get it out of the way. If he were to take it here, then he'd be green book certified and there would be no restrictions in any states in terms of matching for residency, or being able to practice. I knew that this was something Beau had been stressing over basically since he started medical school so when he told me he had taken it, I understood the importance behind it even though it wasn't what we planned at all. We were so desperate to get home.
So the change of plans. We went from the possibility of coming home mid November to now March. That is UNLESS Beau can get his peds rotation some where other than here. If he can, then we are done here in NY on JANUARY 27TH. Tentative. Very tentative.
We wanted to come home so badly, but this is where God wants us for now. And I am happy with that actually. Plans change, especially the ones we make for ourselves.
We will see what happens next ;)
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Saturday, November 5, 2011
I Have a Feeling I'm Going To Have a Case of the Mondays
Monday is on its way, but before I get to that, I want to reflect on the great weekend we had.
Thursday we made an impromptu trip to New Jersey and spent a couple days with our family. It was so great to be there. It was a much needed break and I was missing Jaqui in a major way. Its funny how just a simple hug from someone and to just vent to someone who really knows you can make you feel so much better. It was a great weekend. We made dinner for her and Travis and just hung out. It was absolutely WONDERFUL being able to spend time with them. I always look forward to spending time with them.
We tried out Thomas Sweet's for the first time this weekend! Last night Jaqui burst out with "I want Thomas Sweet's!" ( I have no idea if that is the right name or not but its pretty close) So Beau and Travis ran to pick up the most AMAZING pumpkin frozen yogurt I have ever had in my entire life. It was great to spend that girl time with Jaqui and just really talk to her. She always has a way of putting me at ease. From the very beginning of Beau and mine's relationship she has always been there and I can't imagine not having her close.
But I should explain why I have been so hard to get a hold of and apologize to all of you (a hem, Chunk) who I haven't emailed yet...
I haven't wanted to get into the whole story. I have asked for prayers and Beau and I have been so deep in prayer over this. Let me explain...
When Beau was in Miami (over a year ago) he had to have labs drawn for school. He had his labs drawn through the school that he is attending (keep that in mind as the story progresses). As we are driving down the road on our HONEYMOON his school calls. We were in having dinner and so we listened to the message when we came back out. They (his school) said that the labs (that his school had drawn) weren't the right ones and that he was going to need to have his labs drawn again before he could start his next rotation. They called us on a Wednesday and they were due to the hospital on that Friday! So after he had called the school back and asked them if he could get an extension because we were on our honeymoon and driving cross country, they told us that they didn't give extensions. They said we'd have to show up at the hospital and hope that they allow him to do this rotation. So I got on my phone and called up the doctors office and we turned around and drove all the way back to Toledo. In the end we didn't get the labs into the hospital on time, but the story doesn't end there...
After having the labs drawn and being told they definitely would NOT be submitted to the NY hospital on time we set off. It had put a damper on the entire honeymoon. We were so stressed. What does this mean? Are we going to be able to get a different rotation in NY? Are we going to have to move within the next few weeks? Should we even bother taking all this stuff back with us to furnish the apartment if we weren't going to be there much longer?
When we got back to NY the school had "worked things out" and that he should be able to do the rotation. At least that's what they said. Beau was so relieved but I was, well, not. There was a part of me that just wanted so badly to be done here. To be able to move back to the Midwest. So we stocked up on all kinds of food and set up the apartment thinking we were going to be here at least another six weeks. By this time we had decided that we were going to move back in December regardless.
The day before yesterday his school called back. Basically we are bogged down by the same questions we had before we got back. But the funny thing is, that at this point, we are praying that it doesn't work out. We want so badly to be done with this place. We want to leave NY for good. And up until yesterday, despite how badly I want to leave, I felt guilty because I didn't want to leave Jaqui and Travis here to spend the holidays alone. But as I talked about everything with her, she told me how desperate they were to get home as well. This made me feel so much better. Especially when she told me they would be praying that we get back to the Midwest as soon as possible.
So as I sit here, Beau is looking at the cost of appliances and we have been house hunting with the hopes of having to find a new place very soon. And as I sit here, looking at him, and as I drink the chamomile tea he made me because "he thought I was stressing about things" (Lord how could I love him any more?) I think about how blessed I am that we are together through this and I think how even though we hate it here and want to be home with our family and friends, I know the Lord brought us to NY for a reason and I know he knows our hearts and hears our prayers. I have the most amazing husband and we are going through this together and we are becoming even stronger because of it.
So if you read this, can you please say a prayer for us?
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Thursday we made an impromptu trip to New Jersey and spent a couple days with our family. It was so great to be there. It was a much needed break and I was missing Jaqui in a major way. Its funny how just a simple hug from someone and to just vent to someone who really knows you can make you feel so much better. It was a great weekend. We made dinner for her and Travis and just hung out. It was absolutely WONDERFUL being able to spend time with them. I always look forward to spending time with them.
We tried out Thomas Sweet's for the first time this weekend! Last night Jaqui burst out with "I want Thomas Sweet's!" ( I have no idea if that is the right name or not but its pretty close) So Beau and Travis ran to pick up the most AMAZING pumpkin frozen yogurt I have ever had in my entire life. It was great to spend that girl time with Jaqui and just really talk to her. She always has a way of putting me at ease. From the very beginning of Beau and mine's relationship she has always been there and I can't imagine not having her close.
But I should explain why I have been so hard to get a hold of and apologize to all of you (a hem, Chunk) who I haven't emailed yet...
I haven't wanted to get into the whole story. I have asked for prayers and Beau and I have been so deep in prayer over this. Let me explain...
When Beau was in Miami (over a year ago) he had to have labs drawn for school. He had his labs drawn through the school that he is attending (keep that in mind as the story progresses). As we are driving down the road on our HONEYMOON his school calls. We were in having dinner and so we listened to the message when we came back out. They (his school) said that the labs (that his school had drawn) weren't the right ones and that he was going to need to have his labs drawn again before he could start his next rotation. They called us on a Wednesday and they were due to the hospital on that Friday! So after he had called the school back and asked them if he could get an extension because we were on our honeymoon and driving cross country, they told us that they didn't give extensions. They said we'd have to show up at the hospital and hope that they allow him to do this rotation. So I got on my phone and called up the doctors office and we turned around and drove all the way back to Toledo. In the end we didn't get the labs into the hospital on time, but the story doesn't end there...
After having the labs drawn and being told they definitely would NOT be submitted to the NY hospital on time we set off. It had put a damper on the entire honeymoon. We were so stressed. What does this mean? Are we going to be able to get a different rotation in NY? Are we going to have to move within the next few weeks? Should we even bother taking all this stuff back with us to furnish the apartment if we weren't going to be there much longer?
When we got back to NY the school had "worked things out" and that he should be able to do the rotation. At least that's what they said. Beau was so relieved but I was, well, not. There was a part of me that just wanted so badly to be done here. To be able to move back to the Midwest. So we stocked up on all kinds of food and set up the apartment thinking we were going to be here at least another six weeks. By this time we had decided that we were going to move back in December regardless.
The day before yesterday his school called back. Basically we are bogged down by the same questions we had before we got back. But the funny thing is, that at this point, we are praying that it doesn't work out. We want so badly to be done with this place. We want to leave NY for good. And up until yesterday, despite how badly I want to leave, I felt guilty because I didn't want to leave Jaqui and Travis here to spend the holidays alone. But as I talked about everything with her, she told me how desperate they were to get home as well. This made me feel so much better. Especially when she told me they would be praying that we get back to the Midwest as soon as possible.
So as I sit here, Beau is looking at the cost of appliances and we have been house hunting with the hopes of having to find a new place very soon. And as I sit here, looking at him, and as I drink the chamomile tea he made me because "he thought I was stressing about things" (Lord how could I love him any more?) I think about how blessed I am that we are together through this and I think how even though we hate it here and want to be home with our family and friends, I know the Lord brought us to NY for a reason and I know he knows our hearts and hears our prayers. I have the most amazing husband and we are going through this together and we are becoming even stronger because of it.
So if you read this, can you please say a prayer for us?
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
My dear friend Jenna reminded me today that it is indeed November and she has a 30 days of thankfulness going. Awesome Jenna!
That got me thinking that I too have very much to be thankful for even though things are so screwy all of a sudden.
We received some FANTASTIC family news on the 27th. I will keep that day forever close to my heart. I can't really go into it now, but Beau and I are so ecstatic! To celebrate we opened the bottle of pink champagne my mom and dad snuck into our car. It has become a new family tradition, pink champagne to celebrate, my mom bought it for us the night we got engaged and she snuck it into our car for our honeymoon!

The night we got engaged! August 10th, 2010!
For the first time since we moved to New York our cupboards and freezer are PACKED. I am thankful that we were able to bring Ruby out here because the Lord has blessed us with the means to get to a more affordable grocery store and the ability to buy larger amounts of food at a time. We are so thankful for this. The grocery store we were shopping at was only a couple blocks away, but it was so overpriced it was RIDICULOUS. $5 for a box of gram crackers? You have to be nuts!
Praise the Lord for all this cheap food!

I am thankful for all our loved ones.
I am thankful for being so close to Jaqui and Travis and the time we have had together to grow a close and strong relationship with them.
I am thankful for my education.
I am thankful for mobility.
I am thankful for our health, our happiness, the clothes on our backs, and the roof over our heads.
I am thankful for my husband and all that he has become and all that he continues to become.
I am just thankful, thankful for every day, thankful for this life the Lord has given me.
I hope you all have a great month and you too are able to reflect on the many blessings in your own lives.
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
That got me thinking that I too have very much to be thankful for even though things are so screwy all of a sudden.
We received some FANTASTIC family news on the 27th. I will keep that day forever close to my heart. I can't really go into it now, but Beau and I are so ecstatic! To celebrate we opened the bottle of pink champagne my mom and dad snuck into our car. It has become a new family tradition, pink champagne to celebrate, my mom bought it for us the night we got engaged and she snuck it into our car for our honeymoon!
The night we got engaged! August 10th, 2010!

For the first time since we moved to New York our cupboards and freezer are PACKED. I am thankful that we were able to bring Ruby out here because the Lord has blessed us with the means to get to a more affordable grocery store and the ability to buy larger amounts of food at a time. We are so thankful for this. The grocery store we were shopping at was only a couple blocks away, but it was so overpriced it was RIDICULOUS. $5 for a box of gram crackers? You have to be nuts!

I am thankful for all our loved ones.
I am thankful for being so close to Jaqui and Travis and the time we have had together to grow a close and strong relationship with them.
I am thankful for my education.
I am thankful for mobility.
I am thankful for our health, our happiness, the clothes on our backs, and the roof over our heads.
I am thankful for my husband and all that he has become and all that he continues to become.
I am just thankful, thankful for every day, thankful for this life the Lord has given me.
I hope you all have a great month and you too are able to reflect on the many blessings in your own lives.
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Welcome to Our Home
Hello everyone!
Initially I didn't want to post pictures of our "remodeling" project until after we had our family over but as we are having Thanksgiving at their place this year (and because I really want to show the pictures because I am just so proud of how nice we've made it) I decided to post them for your (and my ;) ) enjoyment!
I posted one picture of what it looked like when we moved in but let me give you the bare bones and now...
Move In Day, January 17th (ish) 2011...

And Now...

I LOVE our kitchen! There is one more thing I am wanting to add to the walls. Its a sign that says "Wine, How Classy People Get Trashed"
This is a view basically from our front door. The kitchen is right off to the left and the bedroom is the second door you see.
Our living room is so homey now. Its nice to have our Toledo things with us now.
So there it is in one very tiny nutshell.
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
Initially I didn't want to post pictures of our "remodeling" project until after we had our family over but as we are having Thanksgiving at their place this year (and because I really want to show the pictures because I am just so proud of how nice we've made it) I decided to post them for your (and my ;) ) enjoyment!
I posted one picture of what it looked like when we moved in but let me give you the bare bones and now...
Move In Day, January 17th (ish) 2011...
And Now...
I LOVE our kitchen! There is one more thing I am wanting to add to the walls. Its a sign that says "Wine, How Classy People Get Trashed"
So there it is in one very tiny nutshell.
In Gods Love,
Beau and Kenz
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