But in the mean time I've accomplished so much! I am happy to report that my hard work in school is paying off (at least as far as I know, sometimes professors just aren't too on the ball with getting things graded). I had my doubts about going back, especially with the ups and downs the Hubs and I faced before the semester started, but I feel accomplished. I feel empowered, and I feel like I am doing this not only for me, but our future little ones as well.
It has been difficult living at home with the 'rents. Where we are SUPER grateful to not have to pay rent, it becomes a challenge at times when you have so many adults in such a small house. We've been trying hard to "weather the storm," but the time has come for us to find our own place.
The Hubs MATCHED for a residency! Yep! And later on this week we will be house hunting (and none too soon). We are so very excited and can't wait to make the transition from renters to homeowners! I would like to hope that we find a place soon and can close before too long. He begins his FIRST DOCTOR JOB in June so times a ticking! He's made LOTS of phone calls and we're just waiting to hear when we can meet with a realtor. I think we may have found the perfect home to start our family in. ( praying we get it )
Since he's been done with school and hanging out while I am finishing my schooling he's taken on some new hobbies. Recently we purchased a couple of kits for wine and beer making! Unfortunately, I missed out on the beer making process due to a nasty case of food poisoning, but I got in on the wine making today!
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stirring vigorously |
It smells AMAZING! Too bad we have to wait so long before we get to have any. Its relaxing and I love it, and I think its something we can really enjoy doing together. The beer not so much... turns out there's very much a science to it, and I don't care for the smell.
Tried a new recipe last night! I am teaching my brother how to cook so he can impress his lady friend and last night we tried Easy-Santa Fe Skillet...
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mmmmm... |
Here's What You Need...
1 lb ground turkey
1/2 chopped onion
1 can of RO*TEL
1 tsp of ground cumin
3 cups of garden rotini pasta
1/2 cup of chopped green peppers
1/2 lb of cubed Velveeta
Easy as PIE!
1) brown the turkey
2) while browning turkey sautee the veg and boil the water for pasta
3) once pasta is done throw it in with turkey and veggies
4) throw the Velveeta into a pan and mix with milk til desired consistency and add RO*TEL (do NOT drain the RO*TEL before adding to cheese
5) throw in the cumin and stir it up
6) poor cheese over turkey and veggies!
ENJOY! LOVED it and the Hubs did too and my brother pretty much took it over while cooking so you know it must be easy ;)
I also got a bit crafty in the stitchery department, but I will show that project at a later date as it's a birthday present for a friend of mine who follows this blog! Its already been hard enough for me to keep it a surprise! Now its just got to make it all the way to Korea without me spilling the beans!
The robins touched their toes in the snow... BRING ON THE WARM WEATHER!!!!!!
In God's Love,
The Midwest Wife
That pasta salad look super yummy! :)