Here you go Allyson!
1) post these rules
2) post a photo of yourself and 11 random things
3) answer the questions set for you in the original post
4) tag some awesome bloggers
5) go to their blog/twitter and tell them that you have tagged them
Me with my FAVORITE dairy breed...JERSEY! |
11 Random Things
1) I too love anything and everything old. Antiques make me giddy and so do old quilts ;)
2) I DIE for cows. I think its one of the main things I missed most when we were in NY
3) I spent most of my childhood and teen years on my best friends dairy farm and I loved every minute of it
4) I believe the 4H is one of the most valuable programs out there. I was in it forever and I feel like it built my character in so many ways and I learned so many things. I love it.
5) If there is one thing I HATE its when appliances don't work the way they're suppose to (i.e. dishwasher not washing the dishes)
6) I have become addicted to working out, although I don't feel like its working
7) I apparently get a little testy when I am hungry
8) I LOVE the smell of cow poop
9) Deep down, I wish Beau would have done farming instead
10) I used to love bomb pops, but popsicles just aren't the same anymore after they changed the recipe
11) I look forward to thunder storm season all year
What is your favorite color?
What is your fondest childhood memory?
I have too many to count. I had an amazing childhood, but if I had to give one, I'd say something including my entire family (cousins, aunts, uncles, etc)
If you could meet someone famous who is no longer living, who would it be?
Frank Lloyd Wright. He is my role model.
What is your biggest dream in life?
To live on a huge farm with lots of animals and have a gigantic kitchen where all our loved ones could come and hang out and I could have every kind of kitchen toy there is :D and to be the best wife and mom I can be. I want to always laugh with my husband and get the tickles whenever I see him.
If you won $100 what would you do with it? bills :(
If you had to move to another state, which state would you choose?
Mainly Iowa, or anywhere in the Midwest. But if our ENTIRE family were to pick up and move I'd say Vermont. Its beautiful there.
If you could do something illegal, no consequences, what would it be?
If you had to choose a super power, what would it be?
What is your favorite song right now?
We Are Young-Fun
What are you most afraid of?
Waking up without Beau in my life
What is the best item on your bucket list?
I don't really have one, but I'd say going to Italy
Yay! That was fun! Come on ladies! I tag...
I am SO thankful today is FRIDAY! I have been looking forward to this weekend for the longest time. Beau and I are heading home to Iowa this weekend and we have
lots going on! Tomorrow is going to be a blast. We are spending the day with our sister and brother- in- law and their three little ones. Our sister has the whole day planned and I
think one of the things we are doing is taking the kids to the Science Center. Beau is
really looking forward to it because he is such a But I am so anxious to see him with the kids. And I am so anxious to see everyone. Its hard having to live so far away from everyone still (granted we're MUCH closer here than we were in NY) but it still makes it hard to see our nieces and nephews as much as we like. They get so big so fast...
And then tomorrow night is the Fireman's Dance! My dad has been a fireman for 20 years now, and so all the guys who have been with the department since I was little have become sorta like dads too. Its a great feeling. And once they get some beers in them, they are pretty good dancers too! I am hoping we get back into town on time to stop in and see everyone. But, we missed my grandpa's birthday a couple weeks ago so I am REALLY wanting to fit a family lunch in there somewhere! Oh so much I want to do and so little time...
Yesterday I was craving something light and fresh. When I lived in Ames I worked (for a VERY short time) at this restaurant that served the most amazing Mediterranean Crepes. It makes my mouth water just thinking about them. So yesterday, while I was trying to decide what to make for dinner, I thought of these crepes. Well, I don't have a crepe maker, and I would have no idea how to make such a thing without it so I substituted the crepes for the tortilla shells I had picked up for the beef wraps...
Here is what you need...
Sour Cream
Dill (fresh preferably)
Garlic power (yes powder, all I had was salt)
Two monstrous cucumbers
Can of Black Olives
3-4 frozen chicken breasts
crazy that the heating coil is purple huh? |
All you need to do really is boil the chicken for about 45 minutes. When the time is up put the breasts in the fridge and let them cool. After a couple hours chop up the chicken breasts. In a separate bowl add dill and garlic powder to 1 cup of sour cream. Hmmm...well, the hubs REALLY likes cucumber sauce so I used an entire 8oz container of sour cream and added the dill and garlic powder to taste. Peel the cucumbers and chop them finely and throw them in! Again, according to taste. With this recipe I kind of threw it together but I promise you its good! I took the shells from the beef wraps and spread the sauce over them then threw on the chicken, black olives, and feta. DELICIOUS!!!!!!
Buying all this produce makes me SO EXCITED for farmer's market to start up again for the season!
Well friends, we have a BUSY weekend ahead and I really need to get going. I hope this coffee kicks in soon as I am immobile for the first two cups. Have to clean, do dishes, do laundry, pay bills, and...PACK!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
In Gods Love,