Yesterday was September 23rd. Check your calendars. What does it say? "First day of Autumn." Hello my dear old friend, I've missed you.
It is my most favorite time of year. Everything is beautiful, everything is bright and brilliant. I love everything about the season: the colors, the smells, the CLOTHES, the days that make you want to stay inside and look out the window, and even the days that make you want to run outside and soak up the last bit of sun that the year will offer. I love the excitement of football, the sweaters, hats, and gloves that people bundle up in while they cradle hot chocolate or coffee in their hands. I love the promise of the oncoming Thanksgiving holiday. Its a time where loved ones come together and eat, eat, EAT and just enjoy each other's company. I love the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade, I love harvest, I love the pumpkins popping up every where in the garden, and I love...well, everything about it.

I can't believe how fast the year has gone. About this time last year Beau and I were snuggling into our apartment in Toledo and I was (as always) decorating for my most favorite time of year. Here is a snippet of what I did last year:

One of my favorite family fall traditions is picking apples. Last year Beau and I went picking apples for the first time:

We even bought some pumpkins and carved them for Halloween:

This is always a happy time of year for me. This fall is going to be one of the best ever. 2 more weeks and Beau will be home, 20 more days and I will be walking down the aisle to start the rest of my life with the most amazing man the Lord has ever created, and this Thanksgiving my HUSBAND and I have plans to go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with our beautiful sister and brother in law followed by a Thanksgiving feast at our apartment. Yes I am planning a big ole Thanksgiving feast complete with beautiful festive decorations! What better way to spend the holiday than with our amazing family.
I am so glad you are back Autumn. I've missed you.
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