Since we have moved to New York we have been blessed with Beau's sister and brother-in-law living so close. So close, yet so far away. We are grown ups now and we all have careers and sometimes its just hard to find time to see the ones you love even when they are only two hours away via train. I will love when we can move back home and don't have to write on the calendar when we get to see family. They're family, you should be able to stop in whenever you want and stay as long as you want. Some day soon...
That being said my brother is taking his first trip ever on a plane TOMORROW! He is coming out to see Beau and I for his Spring Break and I cannot wait to see him. Sadly, Beau will be at work most of the time he is here, and I am a little nervous about taking him into the city when I don't know where I am going either, but just having him here is going to be wonderful.
I miss my baby brother...
Ah, do have fun! You can explore together and will definitely always remember it even if you don't get lost! If you go the wrong way, he'll be there to guide and protect you! It's what brothers do :)